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Premier coaching institute dedicated to preparing aspirants for the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE)

UI/UX Case Study


30th March - 10th May
(42 days)

In a race against time, we achieved the extraordinary – a complete website redesign in a mere 42 days that's swift, seamless, and stunning. Our dedicated team, fueled by passion and commitment, worked tirelessly, even during holidays, to bring Eden IAS's vision to life.

Key Milestones:

  • Conceptualization to Deployment: Swift Execution: The entire website overhaul, from conceptualization to deployment, unfolded within an unparalleled timeframe.
  • Development Phase: Round-the-Clock Effort: Our team's relentless dedication meant working through holidays and multiple face-to-face and online meetings to ensure every aspect aligned with EDEN IAS's goals.
  • Client-Centric Approach: Collaborative discussions and real-time feedback sessions facilitated seamless decision-making, streamlining the development process.
  • Commitment to Excellence:The accelerated pace, coupled with unwavering dedication, exemplifies our commitment to delivering excellence in record time.

This remarkable timeline not only showcases our efficiency but also highlights the harmonious partnership between EDEN IAS and Fabulous Media.

Website Before Redesign

Eden old website Eden old website

Website Before Redesign

Edean IAS mobile

Outdated Design:

EDEN IAS's website exhibits signs of aging, lacking a contemporary and user-centric design that aligns with the expectations of modern UPSC aspirants.

Poor Navigation:

Navigating through the website poses a challenge for visitors, with critical information often buried deep within the site's structure, leading to frustration and a potential loss of interest.

Limited Engagement:

The existing website fails to actively engage UPSC aspirants, lacking interactive elements or features that encourage exploration and interaction with the institute's offerings and insights.


Sleek and Intuitive Design:

EDEN IAS partnered with Fabulous Media to undergo a complete website overhaul, presenting a refreshed and intuitive interface that resonates with the discerning tastes of UPSC aspirants, facilitating seamless navigation and exploration.

Enhanced User Experience:

A meticulous focus on restructuring the website's architecture ensured a user-friendly experience, allowing UPSC aspirants to effortlessly discover vital information regarding courses, faculty expertise, and preparation strategies, thereby reducing bounce rates and enhancing engagement.

Increased Engagement:

Leveraging modern web technologies and interactive elements, such as personalized study guides, interactive quizzes, and success stories of past achievers, EDEN IAS aims to foster deeper engagement with UPSC aspirants, inspiring confidence and a sense of belonging within the institute's community.

By implementing these tailored solutions, EDEN IAS endeavors to overcome existing challenges and create an enriching online experience that resonates with UPSC aspirants, reflecting the institute's commitment to excellence and support in their journey towards civil service success.

User Research

Our design journey commenced with a deep dive into understanding the diverse audience of EDEN IAS. Through meticulous user research, we delved into their preferences, pain points, and expectations. This user-centric approach enabled us to craft a website that caters precisely to the unique needs of EDEN IAS's aspirants, ensuring a seamless and enriching user experience throughout their exam preparation journey.

Competitive Analysis

To position EDEN IAS as a leading institution in the field of UPSC exam preparation, we undertook a thorough competitive analysis. By analyzing industry benchmarks and emerging trends, we formulated a distinctive design strategy that distinguishes EDEN IAS from its counterparts. Our approach not only aligns with industry standards but also surpasses them, providing EDEN IAS with a competitive advantage in the highly competitive coaching landscape.

Unique Features

Discover the innovation behind Eden IAS's website redesign:

Immersive Course Previews: Delve into the realm of UPSC exam preparation with our immersive feature, offering users a comprehensive view of EDEN IAS's courses from every angle.

Interactive Faculty Showcases: Engage with dynamic presentations spotlighting our esteemed faculty's expertise, guiding aspirants through their educational journey.

Live Updates: Stay informed with real-time updates on EDEN IAS's latest achievements, exam notifications, and industry insights, ensuring aspirants are always at the forefront of UPSC exam preparation.

Design Process

Discovery Phase: Delve into EDEN IAS's brand identity, objectives, and aspirant demographics.

Conceptualization: Ideate design elements, site structure, and user journey aligned with EDEN IAS's vision.

Prototyping: Craft interactive prototypes for user testing, gathering valuable insights for refinement.

Iterative Refinement: Continuously improve designs based on user feedback and collaborative client input.

Development: Transform finalized designs into a functional website, ensuring seamless execution of concepts.

Expedited Delivery: Witness the transformation as EDEN IAS's redesigned website is unveiled within an unprecedented 42 days, a testament to our efficiency and dedication to excellence.


User Research

User Interview

Competitve Analysis


User Personas

Empathy Map

User Journey


User Flow

Information Architecture



Hi-Fi Designs





Future Concept

Design Timeline

Style Guide

Color Palette


Website After Redesign

Eden IAS new website Eden IAS new website

Website After Redesign

Eden IAS mobile

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